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Lesser prominent pastimes of mine, i.e. my Minecraft server or some semi-mediocre photography. Work-in-progress

View from atop Spruce Knob, the tallest mountain in West Virginia


I enjoy capturing the world it is around me. I usually post the better parts of my casual photographic expenditures on my Instagram profile, so be sure to check that out. I’ve also got some old videography projects of mine, as well; those can be found likewise on my YouTube channel.

Fun fact: I typically resort to film when I’m somewhere with the specific intent of taking pictures—partially because of my preference for the medium and partially because the only proper cameras I own are SLRs. Most of my photography, however, is spur-of-the-moment and involves my smartphone.


J’aime bien le vélo. Why get a car when you can just bike around? (Or hitch a ride, depending on the circumstances.) It’s great exercise, immensely fun, and provices a chance to get out and enjoy the use, upkeep and utility of being on two wheels.

I might post more things like pictures and links soon. My primary (and favourite) commuter is a 2017-model Jamis Coda in Galaxy Grey. I ought to make a little table with my setup and all.


I don’t play much of any video games, but Minecraft is something I’ve always loved. I run my own server, Sterlcraft, though it’s small and mostly friends-only. I’m working on a few datapacks and have a few plugins made (notably BukkitGreentext), and some of them have been mildly successful.

Woodworking & carpentry

I love making things: big or small, wood or brick, round or square – anything. It gives me the sense of accomplishment and a physical representation of my progress on a given project. I might make a little subpage for my projects and their blueprints, finished looks, et cetera.